Dear 2017…

Dear 2017,

I hope this letter meets you well. We are approaching the very end of 2016 and I just want to let you know how the year went. Hmm, truth be told, 2016 really tore me to pieces. One event after another after another after another from the very onset of the year. Every time I thought things couldn’t get worse, they actually did. It seemed as though each time I had that thought, the universe would say ‘You want to try me and see?’ It was like it just wanted to show me how extreme things could be. And my country has not been left out either. Nigeria is in quite the shambolic state at the moment and this has affected a great number of things. But I’m not writing to talk about Nigeria. My whole life this year has been enough to create a script for a dramatic Nollywood movie. Continue reading “Dear 2017…”